Afbeelding: photo peniel

Managing Partner: Peniel Uliwa
Peniel Uliwa is a private sector development specialist with over 25 years’ experience as a business advisor, research manager and senior programme officer in Tanzania and Zimbabwe. He has consulted in over 15 countries, leading multinational teams of experts on behalf of a range of major donor clients. A specialist in agricultural markets, value chain empowerment and business development services. He has published his experience in a number of international journals. Peniel is educated at the University of Dortmund (Germany) and the University of Dar es Salaam.

Afbeelding: photo henri

Managing Partner: Henri van der Land
Henri van der Land is a business economist with over 25 years’ experience in the Netherlands and eastern and southern Africa. He has worked for numerous clients, ranging from multinational agencies and government authorities such as the European Union and the World Bank, through to non-governmental organisations such as SNV. He is a sub-sector and value chain development specialist. Henri has been responsible for over 50 research studies in the field of private sector business growth. Educated at the Maastricht School of Management (The Netherlands), he has specific technical skills in outgrowing operations, feasibility studies, business plan development and credit guarantee schemes.

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Chief Executive Officer: Edmond J. Ringo
Edmond J. Ringo is a graduate civil engineer from University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and holds an MBA in entrepreneurship from Birmingham City University in the UK. He has a background in the petroleum industry, as well as over ten years’ experience in entrepreneurship and enterprise development. Edmond has completed assignments for Match Maker in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, the Republic of South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia.

Afbeelding: Jimmy Ebong - 1

Senior Consultant: Jimmy Ebong
Jimmy Ebong is an economist with five years’ experience of researching, planning, coordinating and evaluating business development services in eastern Africa. He is educated at Makerere University in Uganda and holds an MA in Economic Policy and Planning. Since joining Match Maker, Jimmy has undertaken assignments in Southern Sudan, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

Afbeelding: Mkani

Consultant: Mkani Waziri
Mkani Waziri holds a M.Sc. degree in Agricultural Economics from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania. He has experience as a consultant, trainer and supervisor of field research, in public and private sectors. His career as a consultant has covered the areas of private sector development, landscape analysis, strategic business planning, value chain analysis and development, facilitating smallholder farmers’ and SMEs access to markets, business development services, training, financial brokerage and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). Mkani performed field surveys in Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania, for various private sector companies as well as National and International NGOs.

Afbeelding: Namnyaki Matessia

Finance and Administation Manager: Namnyaki Mattasia
Namnyaki Mattasia is an accountant with over eight years experience in banking, auditing, finance and accounting. She was educated at the Institute of Accountancy Arusha, holds a CPA(T) and MBA in Corporate Management. Since she joined MMA, she has been dealing with all the finance, accounting and administration aspects of the group.